Podhorská Natália

Magisterské studium
Epigenetic changes detection in cancer cells
Aberrant regulation at epigenetic level can directly and/or indirectly influence the genetic integrity and gene expression pattern of cells, resulting in the development of various types of disorders, including cancer. The local hypermethylation of tumor-suppressor genes and the global hypomethylation of genomic DNA often occur in human cancers. Multiple DNA methylation changes in the cancer methylome could be associated with the acquisition of drug or ionizing radiation resistance. Cancer cell lines resistant to 2‘-deoxy 5-azacytidine (decitabine) and also radioresistant cells were prepared at our institute. Our specific aim is to assay different genome location for methylation status in resistant cancer cell lines. For this purpose, we plan to use bisulfite sequencing using multiparallel sequencing platform. Our long-term aim is to elucidate the mechanism of drug- and radioresistance in cancer cells.